New UVC Sterilization Products
UVC Sterilization Products Now Available from Sun-Wa.

Stanley Electric UVC sterilization products are now available from Sun-Wa. Incorporating advanced technology, these products provide protection from harmful bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19.
For industrial markets, UVC LEDs are used in medical infrastructures, factories, offices and measuring devices. For consumer markets, UVC LEDs are used in electrical appliances and portable devices. Water sterilization applications include water treatment systems, fish farms, coffee machines, spas and hot springs, icemakers, humidifiers and water bottles. Air or surface sterilization applications include operating and hospital rooms, food processing plants, sterilizing warehouses, air conditioners, refrigerators, toothbrushes, feeding bottles and smartphones. Other applications include ink/resin curing devices, greenhouses, water pollution equipment and component analysis devices.